Friday, January 23, 2009

Blog Baru: Self Healing - Reza Gunawan

Kepada para pembaca blog yang budiman,

Nikmati rangkuman renungan, tulisan dan siaran Reza Gunawan, baik yang pernah disajikan di televisi maupun radio, di blog baru kami.

Alamatnya adalah

Disini Anda bisa berdiskusi, komentar, tanya-jawab lebih mendalam seputar self healing dan bagaimana kita semua bisa menikmati hidup semakin ringan, ikhlas dan selaras. Bahkan Anda pun boleh memberikan usulan topik yang ingin dibahas dalam siaran radio mingguan kami di Cosmopolitan FM 90.4, tiap Selasa pukul 07.00 - 08.30.

Saya tunggu kunjungan, kehadiran, dan partisipasi Anda.

Reza Gunawan

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yes, this is personal.

I truly appreciate
how warmly you held me in the mornings of our wakefulness
how tightly you embraced my heart in the midst of difficulties
how honestly you share the innermost fears and desires

I truly love
how gently you let me ease into the sudden life of fatherhood
how sincerely you experimented with cooking recipes that had fed our hearts
how peacefully you made me feel when we sit in silence, just breathing

I truly celebrate in gratitude
how you bravely allowed me to die, and welcomed my rebirth heartfully
how you made room for my misery, even when it can seem endless at times
how you gave permission me complain over coffee, shrimps and little fishes

To the most wonderful companion in my life...
I love you deeply, my bestfriend, my soultwin, my lovely wife.
May we always share and celebrate our laughter, our tears and our silence.
Happy birthday, sweedee.